Meet the ladies who make up the NSW Women in Dairy Committee

  • Meet Our President

    Renae Connell

    Renae, along with her husband Scott and two girls, proudly manages a thriving dairy farm in Dorrigo milking 200 Jerseys.. Renae's upbringing on a dairy farm shaped her love for the industry and the land. She has played various roles within the dairy industry, showcasing her dedication, love and commitment to the dairy industry as a whole. Renae's warmth and generous spirit have made her popular and an integral part of the women in dairy and bale up committees since 2020. Her involvement inspires and empowers other women in the industry.

    While Renae wears many hats, her favourite moments are spent with her animals and family. Whether in the milking shed with her husband Scott or out riding her horses with her gorgeous girls, Renae treasures the simple joys of farm life.

    Renae eagerly awaits the 2024 Bale Up conference to meet incredible women in the industry and find inspiration to lead her farm with resilience and innovation. Renae's unwavering spirit and genuine love for her animals, friends and family make her a remarkable woman. At the upcoming Bale Up conference, she will undoubtedly make a lasting impact on those who meet her once again!

  • Meet Our Vice President

    Gemma Otton

    On the rolling hills of far south coast of NSW, you will find Gemma Otton, a woman whose energy and enthusiasm radiate from every interaction.

    A dedicated dairy farmer, alongside her husband Tom, she is also a mother of three young farming children. Sophia (9yo), Madelyn (6yo) and Charlie (3yo) In the small town of Candelo, they milk 250 Holstein and Jersey cows.

    Gemma wears many hats but it is her passion for connecting and supporting women in the dairy industry that truly sets her apart.

    Gemma understands the unique challenges that women face in this industry. However, instead of being discouraged, she has embraced the role of empowering others. Through her warm and approachable nature, Gemma loves to welcome and foster a strong network of women who share a common passion for dairy farming.

    As a busy mum herself, Gemma understands the juggling act that many women in the dairy sector face. She has made it her mission to provide a safe space for women to discuss the specific challenges they encounter, from work-family balance to managing farm operations.

    She believes that when women unite, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. In a traditionally male-dominated industry, it is essential that we raise our voices, share our stories, and inspire the next generation of women in dairy. Through our collective experiences and shared knowledge, we can pave the way for a brighter future. she would love for you to join our vibrant community at Bale Up 2024. Together, we can empower each other, strengthen our industry, and make a lasting impact!

  • Meet Our Secretary

    Brodie Game

    Brodie and her husband Kevin epitomize the true spirit of the industry, combining hard work and dedication with a genuine passion for their farm and cows. Together, they run Blackjack Holsteins, a thriving dairy farm located in the small town of Bemboka on the Far South Coast of NSW. Milking 350 cows year round and two young boys, their days are certainly filled to the brim.

    Brodie, in particular, stands out for her remarkable qualities. Compassionate, kind, and fiercely dedicated, she is an integral part of the dairy farm and her families success and her commitment to the industry extends beyond the daily milking and every day routine. In 2019, she joined the NSW Women in Dairy committee as the vice president, showcasing her leadership skills and her desire to make a difference Although she initially took on the role of secretary for a short period, Brodie quickly proved her capabilities and was entrusted with the responsibility of the position on a permanent basis. Her organizational skills and attention to detail make her an ideal fit for the role, ensuring that the committee runs smoothly and efficiently.

    Beyond her daily farming duties, Brodie's heart lies with her family and the great outdoors. For her, nothing beats the adventure of exploring the beauty that surrounds them and spending quality time with her loved ones.

    With such an incredible zest for life and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, it comes as no surprise that Brodie is eagerly anticipating the upcoming Bale Up 2024 Conference. She understands the immense value of connecting with like-minded individuals, sharing experiences, and learning from the best in the industry. For Brodie, Bale Up represents not just an opportunity to gain valuable insights, but also a chance to forge lifelong friendships and strengthen the camaraderie within the dairy community. Brodie's compassionate nature, kindness and unwavering dedication are a true testament to her character as a dairy farmer and as an individual. She embodies the spirit and values of the whole dairy community and her presence at Bale Up 2024 promises to enrich the experience for everyone involved.

  • Meet Our Treasurer

    Julie Moore

    When it comes to the Women in Dairy committee, there's one member who stands out as the self-proclaimed 'Grandmother' of the group - Julie. With her abundant wealth of knowledge and unmatched sparkle, Julie brings a unique energy and expertise to the table. Situated in the picturesque town of Dorrigo, New South Wales, her dairy farm is her haven where she milks 160-180 Holstein and Guernsey cows year round, along side her husband Michael.

    Together they have 3 sons, with the middle one, Stuart, back on farm with them, assisting in the day to day running of the business and their youngest son planning on returning in the near future. They also have 1 granddaughter and are looking to wind things back a bit over the next couple of years and allow the next generation to step forward and continue their successful dairy business.

    Julie has just been re elected as our Treasurer but she has been involved in NSW Women in Dairy since 1998 when Sue McGinn ran the first Women in Dairy.

    From the moment Julie joins a conversation, her enthusiasm for the dairy industry becomes immediately apparent. As a seasoned expert with years of experience under her belt, she possesses a treasure trove of wisdom that she freely shares with others. Her advice and insights have become invaluable resources for those looking to navigate the ever-changing landscape of modern day dairy farming. Julie acts as a guiding light for both newcomers and seasoned farmers alike, providing a steady hand and a listening ear to anyone who seeks her guidance.

    Julie embodies the spirit of the Women in Dairy committee. Her unmatched knowledge, warm demeanour and love for her farm make her an essential part of the group. As the 'Grandmother' of the committee, she nurtures a sense of belonging and fosters growth in both individuals and the industry as a whole. We are truly fortunate to have Julie's sparkle and wisdom within our midst.

  • Meet Our Membership Officer

    Kate Wilson

    My name is Kate Wilson, and I am proud to serve as the Membership Officer for the NSW Women in Dairy Committee. I reside in the beautiful town of Attunga, NSW, where I not only run my Speech Pathology business but have also just embarked on the incredible journey of motherhood with my daughter, Elise. From the moment I was born on a dairy farm in Gloucester, NSW, the passion for dairy has coursed through my veins. Over the course of my career, I have had the privilege of working on multiple dairy farms, an experience that has shaped me and provided invaluable skills and knowledge. The connection to the land and the animals fills me with a sense of purpose and belonging.Together with my husband, Tim, we have established the Avon Valley Genetics, a dairy cattle stud. Our stud mainly comprises Jerseys and Brown Swiss and we take immense pride in rearing all our own calves and heifers on our small acreage in Attunga. To ensure the highest quality, our cows are milked at a nearby dairy farm. Breeding and showing these magnificent animals has become my personal passion. There is something magical in witnessing the growth and development of these creatures and the opportunity to showcase the results of our hard work at various events fills me with immense pride.

    I am a firm believer in the power of connection and community within the dairy industry. I understand the value of sharing knowledge and experiences, forming relationships and learning new skills. It is this belief that drives me in my role as the Membership Officer for NSW Women in Dairy.

    I am committed to connecting women in the dairy industry, fostering an environment where we can come together and support one another. Our committee aims to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth through workshops, conferences and networking events.

  • Meet Our General Committee Members

    April Browne

    April is our amazing community engagement committee member!!

    April entered the dairy world in high school, working for a dairy farmer at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.

    She has since built a career in agriculture that has spanned 20 years, starting out as a high school teacher and she is currently a Project Manager for the new Dairy NSW project DairySTART.

    April also runs a dairy farm at Camden with her partner milking 270 cows, including her beloved Brown Swiss.

    April has been involved with the Women in Dairy Committee for the past four years. She particularly values being a part of creating opportunities for women to spend time on their own development and wellbeing.

    In her spare time April enjoys spending time with family and friends and travelling the world meeting new people.

  • Meet Our General Committee Members

    Natasha Yarrington

    Meet our social media officer, Natasha Yarrington!

    Natasha was born and raised on a dairy farm and now farms with her husband Rod and their 4 children near Wingham on the Mid north coast, milking 130 brown Swiss cows.

    Natasha is friendly, approachable and is dedicated to the dairy industry. She has held many roles within the dairy industry and this is her first year on the women in dairy committee.

    Her favourite thing to do is head on new adventures with her family and show their cows at local and state shows!

    She is most looking forward to catching up with old friends and meeting new people at bale up 2024! The best thing about the dairy industry is the people and bale up is all about connecting!!